In this digital age it has allowed us, not only to reach the market that covers the whole world of sneakers but we have met people with great talents such as graphic designers, illustrators, photographers, collectors and we have seen how they transform their art applied to sneakers.

This community that we have built little by little nurtures by many exchanges of whatsapp, instagrams direct, emails and facetime; but 90% of what we share is our love for the world of sneakers. Therefore, we want you to know a little more about each one of them and give them a platform so that we can continue to grow together.

In this first interview, we wanted to talk to Raúl, who selflessly wrote to us on Instagram to share his illustrations with us. Known on Instagram as Sr. Hanzo we launched into a short but juicy conversation.

How about Sr. Hanzo? In English would it be Mr. Hanzo? #LOL

Hello good, because here surviving the confinement as each one can. Trying to put in order and up to date all those things that for lack of time we leave them parked, but always well OK!

Tell us first where are you from?

I’m from Madrid, but three years ago I came to live in Cudillero (Asturias) away from the hustle and stress of the capital, and the truth is that I can’t complain.

Your Instagram profile tells us a lot about you. First: are you a graphic designer and photographer do you dedicate yourself professionally?

I do not dedicate myself professionally to design and photography, I try to have several sources of income apart from a “stable” job in these times in which we live.

What works in your last years did you like to carry out or design the most?

Well the truth is that if you look at my publications I do not make designs for all kinds of shoes or brands, honestly I only draw what I really like except for more personal work for clients, so like everything I do because I am not bound to anything.

In addition to being a graphic designer and artist you are of course SneakeHead!

Of course.

What is being a Sneakerhead for you today?

Well, for me a Sneakerhead is someone who is not only guided by the Hype or trend of the moment, but also by the history behind a shoe or a Collab, by looking for premium materials and finishes in less influential brands, daring designs and different from Usually, I don’t know the Sneakerhead community can be so big due to the variety of factors that influence it, that it depends on the people themselves and on whether they decide to open up and accept the rest.

What are you passionate about sneakers?

How timeless sneakers can be, it freaks me out!

Do you have a shoe that you would like to show us?

Well, I have the collection distributed between Madrid and Asturias, right now that I am in Asturias I have little, but something is always there, my Fav models are AJ III and IV and here I have AJ IV Travis with that little blue that drives me crazy!!!

Since when do you merge graphic design with sneaker’s world?

Since I started collecting and caring for sneakers, taking it more seriously in 2012, I was mixing them, but very slowly, but until I didn’t want to have some pictures of models that I had, I didn’t start creating posters, postcards, stickers …

Through which channel can we see your work and updates?

Mainly by Instragram: @sr.hanzo

If you could choose a product from the Tarrago Sneaker Care range, which one would you choose?

Undoubtedly, I choose the Tarrago Sneakers Cleaner, a good product with natural ingredients and when it is applied it creates a good foam and the cleaning time is shorter compared to other brands.

Thanks, Raúl for your time and art =)

COLAB Tarrago Sneakers Care + Sr. Hanzo