Sandal Cleaner
Soapy liquid solution designed for the care of sandals. Cleans and maintains sandals and their soles.
Available for all types of surfaces: smooth leather, synthetic leather, suede, nubuck, canvas, textile and nylon; without altering the color.
- Applicator 75ml / 2,54 fl oz.
- Soapy liquid solution.
- Easy and practical application.
- Colorless solution, available for all colors.
Tarrago Sandal Cleaner is a cleaner specially formulated to maintain and clean the most resistant stains on sandals and their soles.
Its formulation design is solvent-free and its high content of anionic surfactants (detergent) provides deep cleaning for leather, suede, nubuck, canvas, textile, nylon and rubber.
On more delicate materials such as suede or nubuck, it leaves no surface residue and does not appeal the surface.
The available applicator in this packaging its round sponge, allows easy and practical application the product.
- Applicator 75ml / 2,54 fl oz.
- Soapy liquid solution.
- Easy and practical application.
- Colorless solution, available for all colors.


Product data sheet
Safety data sheet
Before apply the product, realise a test on an inconspicuous area to verify that the color is resistant to the product.
If your sandals are made of suede or nubuck, you can remove dust from their surface with Tarrago Brass Metal Brush.
The Tarrago Sandal Cleaner formula is a soapy solution, so it will generate a lot of foam. You can remove the remaining product with a wet Tarrago Shoe Duster.
For best results, you can apply Tarrago Universal Protector or Tarrago High Tech Nano Protector after cleaning.
Before applying the protectant, make sure you have removed all remaining foam. This is essential for the protectant to fulfill its function.
This product complies with current health, safety and environmental legislation.
If my sandals are made of High-Tech membranes, can I use this product?
Yes, you can use the product without any problems.
I have sandals with toe marks, can I remove the mark with Sandal Cleaner?
No, Sandal Cleaner helps you to perform a deep cleaning of your sandals but not to remove any marks that may have been generated over time from your toes.